#16. Graduate from Utah State University

My path to graduation was long and winding, but I finally did it in May 2013.  I was 28 years old ha ha.  It is embarrassing to think that most people have a Master's degree by that time, but I am not most people.  I had the hardest time figuring out what I wanted to study.  I never took college very serious, which I regret, but it did allow me to study abroad and that has changed my life.  I work for the University now (which I never thought I ever would, but I like it a lot!)  

My graduation was one of the best days of my life . . . because I finally graduated and it was alongside my brother Jon . . .and I passed a kidney stone that was stuck in between my kidney and weiner for over 3 weeks ha ha.  It was the worst and I will never forget the feeling of passing that stone the night of my graduation party.  Best. Night. Ever. 

I'll never forget this moment.  This picture sums up my Kidney Stone experience.  It was the rock bottom moment of Ben Wilkey.  I think I threw up 15 times that day.

The famous stone that caused my insides so much torment.  Nasty little bugger.  But, I passed it like a man.  The doctor said that I had a 20% chance of passing it.  In your face doctor!  "Never underestimate the heart of a champion!"

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