#2. Go to Japan

I never thought in a million years I would go to Japan 3 times!  This was a country that I have always wanted to go to, but for a poor kid, it seemed more like a dream than anything.  Let me first say that Japan is the nicest country I have ever been too as far as being clean and quiet.  The people were so friendly and I thought there was such a mix of people - it was fascinating.  I saw the most beautiful women I have ever seen and some of the craziest.  If you ever get the chance, you need to go!

The first time I went was with a new friend, Ruben from the Netherlands.  We were both studying at Keimyung University in South Korea and left on a whim.  We caught a speed boat to Japan that took only a few hours.  We arrived in Fukuoka with no plans, ha ha.  That was how our entire trip was - no plans and shooting from the hip.  It was amazing!  That is how I prefer to travel.  The world is so full of good people and things just work out.  We ended up going to Nagasaki, and Kagoshima.  It was one of the best times of my life.

This was our first sushi restaurant and we paid big ha ha.  We didn't pay attention to the colored plates.  Each color has a set price and we kept eating the expensive plates - without knowing.  Well, a $50 lunch is justifiable right??

Nagasaki - one of my favorite cities in the world. 

This lady made a mean okonomiyaki!

School field trip ha ha.  

We stayed at this hostel and we woke up to monks chanting - amazing!

Best. Translation. Ever.

The second time, I was living on a small island off of mainland Korea, called Jeju.  I left for Korean's Thanksgiving Holiday, called Chuseok. I traveled with one of my best friends from Wales, Simon, and a new friend from the states, June. June was amazing in our planning and had every day scheduled and it was one of the most relaxing vacations I have been on.  We went to Osaka, Kyoto, Hero, and Hiroshima.  

We drove through the night on this bus, so I am glad we had these pods ha ha. 

Hiroshima. Somber feeling for sure. 

So beautiful and green.  This was Kyoto - my all time favorite city. 

Simon-son, June, and Ben-son.  Hai!

The third time was in 2014 with my roommate from Korea, David.  We went to Tokyo and Osaka.  David had just graduated and his parents paid for us to go on this unreal once in a lifetime trip to China, Korea, and Japan.  It was legendary and provided memories that I will always remember.  Mainly, we just ate a lot of good food!

Spicy black ramen. 

Breakfast everyday.  

Pork cutlet.  Tonkatsu. 

Green tea ice cream.  This was a traditional dessert in Tokyo and the most refreshing snack. 

World famous Oil Noodle!

Oil Noodle version 2!  We went again the next day ha ha. 


Ramen - I could eat this every meal. 

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