Monday, April 20, 2015

Time and Money

TIME & MONEY.  Is it possible to have both?  Which is more important? Which brings more happiness?

I went to an International Dinner last week and one of my former professors, Ali Cook, spoke.  She brought up the point that in life, in regards to traveling, you either have time to travel and no money, or you either have money and no time.  Her point was that you need to travel when you have the chance and she put in a plug for studying abroad.

Anyone who knows me remotely well, knows that I love to travel.  I think it is the greatest and you could say that I have the traveling bug for sure.  The more places I go, the more I learn about other places I want to go.  It is amazing!  My entire life I have heard older people complain about TIME & MONEY.  They say that when you have enough TIME to do things, you don't have enough MONEY.  Or when you have enough MONEY, you don't have enough TIME.

5 years ago, I was living in Houston, TX.  I saw the commercials for the Nissan Cube and I thought they would be fun to drive, so I decided to test drive one. There was a Nissan dealership near our apartment and I went over one day after work.  I wasn't serious at all, I just wanted to experience the Cube. I had to drive it with a salesman, which kind of sucked, but it was still way fun.  My brother was in the back and it was like driving a living room around ha ha - ultimate space.  (does this story have a point . . .)  After the test drive, the salesman said that the Manager wanted to have a minute with me in his office.  I really didn't want to go, but I felt obligated and I was intimidated ha ha.  I was in their for 3 minutes and I bought the car with the worst interest rate you could get ... ha ha.  jk.
The Manager greeted me at the door and asked me and my brother to have a seat.  He asked me what my interest level was and I told him straight up that I was just looking around and that I wasn't in any position to buy a new car.  He asked me what was holding me back and I though about it and said, "Time and Money".  His reply caught me off guard.  He said, "Well neither of us can control time, but I can control the money."  I never bought the car, but I have always remembered his response.

2 years ago, I was working from home doing online marketing.  I was starting my business and wasn't making that much money, but I had time on my side and it was great.  I was going camping and fishing nearly every weekend and golfing almost everyday.  I really wanted to travel with all of the free time I had, but I didn't have that much money.  I was having a good time, but I wasn't content.

Last year, I added a full-time career at USU on top of my online marketing business.  I have consistently worked around 70 hour weeks since.  I have had plenty of money (not rich by any means), but I haven't had any time.  I think I went fishing once and I only play golf about twice a month now.  Now that I have more money, I would love to travel more, but I don't have much time.  I'm glad I'm working hard and have more money, but I am not content.

I ask again.  Which is more important, TIME OR MONEY? Is it possible to have both?  I have thought a lot about it over the years, especially this past week.  Having been on both sides of the spectrum, I feel like I need both to feel content.  I certainly believe it is possible.  I would define a rich man as having both and this is now my ultimate goal.  To have enough money to do what I want and enough time to do it in.  Sounds too good to be true.  Maybe it is wishful thinking.

What do you think?

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