Sunday, July 26, 2015


I watched this video last week and it has consumed my thoughts. Watch it.

How are you spending your time?  If I look back at my last year, I would say that I spent most of my time working.  If you read any blog about old people giving advice to the younger generations, one strain of advice is common, "I wish I would have spent more time with my loved ones."  Nobody wishes they would have worked more, especially a job they didn't enjoy.

There are 2 quotes that I live by: "It's all about the relationships" and "People are the best part of life."  I feel when I have this perspective, I am a lot happier and truer to myself and what's important.  Lately, I feel as if I have been off track and focused more on money and work.  This video came across my path at the perfect time and I am thankful for it. I feel like work has consumed my life and it is time to take a step back.

Ask yourself how you would feel if you died tomorrow?  I know that might sound morbid, but really reflect and be honest with yourself.  How would you view your life on earth?  Would you have any regrets, and if so, what would they be?

For me, I would regret not spending more time with people and slowing down my life.  I would regret not sitting down with my mom and dad and asking them how they are doing, rather than rambling on about my life.  I would regret not enjoying sunsets more or taking time to really enjoy nature and my surroundings.  I would regret that I spent more time in front of a computer instead of with people.  I would regret hours that I spent watching sports and not playing sports.  Ultimately, I would regret my time and more specifically, time with my loved ones.

Good news.  You are still alive and you are not dying tomorrow.  Use your regrets and turn them into action.  Consider this a second chance.  Life is too precious to continue living how you don't want to. Spend more time with your family.  Turn off your laptops.  Appreciate the simple things.  Enjoy the conversations and relationships.  Find the joy in your work and if you don't enjoy your job, look for something that you do enjoy.  It's time we appreciate life more.  If you don't know where to start, start appreciating the people in your life.  They are what makes life great.

You see, time is so precious, because we can't get more of it.  It can't be bought, only used.  We can't control how much is allotted to us, but we CAN decide how we spend it.

How are you spending your time?

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