Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Value of Kind People

If you can't tell, I love the movie, "About Time".  I feel like I have learned so much about life from this movie.  I would have to rank, "About Time", "Meet Joe Black", and "The Legend of Bagger Vance" as the 3 movies that have shaped my life the most.  Most people don't like these movies at all, but it is fitting, because I don't like most things most people like ha ha. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about the value of kind people. Not the cliched "oh they are nice" type person, but the type of person that if you could only categorize them into one word, it would be "Kind". They are often ironically unnoticed, but invaluable to any person, family, group, or office. They are the true heroes, the salt of the earth type people that often get no proper appreciation and the people I wish to tribute this post to.

I am certain no one in my family reads my blog, so I am going to talk about them. I feel like I have 2 siblings that are extremely kind, my brother Jon and my sister Rachel. Now, I love my family and each member is amazing, but I am starting to value pure and simple kindness a lot more. Maybe that is just called growing up ha ha.

A few weeks ago, I said goodbye to my little sister, Rachel for 18 months. She is serving an LDS mission in Independence, Missouri.  She is one of the kindest (if not the kindest) person I know.  My family are all LDS (that sounds like terrible grammar, but I know I am not the smartest) and I have had 2 older brothers and 3 younger brothers serve missions. I have missed everyone when they left, but looking back, I really missed Jon and Rachel a lot.  Especially Rachel.  She never called for attention, yet everyone loved her.  I have never heard her complain or mope around and she was always more concerned about your life than dumping her life, accolades and/or problems on you.  Simply put, she is originally beautiful and truly kind.  I feel bad, because I didn't really appreciate her as much as I should have when she was around,  But, you know that saying, "It is better to appreciate later, than never at all." - Ben Wilkey (I just made that up ha ha).

Perhaps the most boggling characteristic about kind people is that they do it out of the goodness of their hearts, never seeking the praise so many of us desperately need to operate.  This is obviously a  major characteristic of Christianity, and most major religions that I am aware of.  If this is know by all, why is that so few people practice it?  I know I struggle with it, I love the attention, but I always brush it off like I don't.

So, I say we start appreciating the kind people.  Let's push aside the flamboyant, troublesome, sometimes awesome, loud, in your face, attention getting people for a moment and seek out the often times quiet, but steady and noble kind ones.  I know that I have people in my office and circles that are often unnoticed, but would do anything for you if needed.  These are the types of people that I want to emulate and surround myself with.  I value the kind people more, because I know I am not one of them.  I want to be like them.  Maybe I am just getting old and sentimental.  Maybe it's a culmination of a lot of things, especially my sister Rachel leaving.  Whatever it is, I am happy I have come to this realization now, because I wouldn't be the person I am without the kind people in my life.  They make this life a lot better for all of us. So, thank you beautiful, kind people for selflessly making all of our lives better. (Jon, you are the man.  Rachel, you are the best!)  I hope you get the recognition, love and adoration you truly deserve.

Curious to hear your thoughts.  Thanks for reading.



  1. Love this, and now I know why I connect with you. My husband and I ADORE About Time and Meet Joe Black. Haven't seen legend of bagger Vance, but it's on the list now. Thank you for your kindness my friend. I'm happy to call you that.

  2. Love this, and now I know why I connect with you. My husband and I ADORE About Time and Meet Joe Black. Haven't seen legend of bagger Vance, but it's on the list now. Thank you for your kindness my friend. I'm happy to call you that.
