Friday, March 18, 2016

A Special Thanks to South Korea

I just feel like I need to give a special thanks to South Korea. I have lived in South Korea for a year and a half and since traveled back three times. I remember when I first arrived and felt the overwhelming love from the people. From getting around in the subways to catching the right bus, so many people have gone out of their way to help me and make sure I was OK. I can't thank you enough. I remember multiple times eating dinner at restaurants where the cooks would make something extra for me to try or the waitresses/waiters would give me a drink on the house. I never felt like I was taken advantage of, I fully trusted everyone and had positive experiences nearly every day. Your culture is so rich and I want to thank you for sharing it with me. I had so many opportunities to visit heritage sites, learn about your culture, listen to kpop, try new food, cook new food, make homemade kimchi, try taekwondo, have chats with old people (most of the time I had now idea what was being said, but still it was nice to visit), teach English to Elementary students, teach English to adults, volunteer at churches, volunteer at orphanages, run a marathon, hike the beautiful Seoraksan Mountains, go to the spas, watch movies, watch Korean dramas, go to concerts, sing karaoke, dance, go to weddings, go to funerals, and just simply walking around the big cities and small villages - just to take in the beauty of South Korea. I have never traveled to a place I have loved so much. I have never met people I have instantaneously loved so much. I will also speak highly of South Korea and its amazing people! I hope to return soon! Know that Ben Wilkey is grateful for you, South Korea, and I love you very much!

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