Saturday, January 3, 2015

Service and Gratitude

This same time last year, I felt kind of lost or stuck.  It was probably one of the few times, maybe the only time that I was frustrated with my life.  I had experienced some cool things, but felt like I wasn't where I should be at my age.  I decided to go to the temple (temples are the most sacred buildings for LDS people - usually a place I can ponder and think clearly) and I remember praying for direction in my life.  At the time, I was praying about where to live, where to work and felt like I was on my own.  While I was praying/pondering, I really felt a voice in my head or a feeling in my heart that I needed to 1. Be grateful for my life and 2. Serve others.
I went home and those 2 things (service and gratitude) consumed all of my thoughts.  I started saying prayers of gratitude and not asking God for anything, but just being grateful for him and I focused on the good things in my life.  If bad things happened, I still thanked God for them and tried to learn from them to become better.  I started to be involved more in service and was always looking for ways to help out.  I can tell you that those two things (service and gratitude) changed my life.  I had an incredible year in 2014 and everything worked out way better than I could have imagined.  After a few months, I found myself not asking for anything at all in my prayers, because I couldn't believe life was so good and I was truly grateful for everything.  It seems that whenever things are tough for me in my life, it is because I am selfish and comparing myself to others.  If I remember to be grateful for what I have and to serve others, I feel that I am not only happier, but I really feel like life is better in every aspect.  This is a pattern I always need to remember.  I can't be successful in my life if I don't do things for others.  People will always be the best part of life, so let's take care of each other and be grateful for the process that we call life. 


  1. I hear you. Congrats on starting the blog.

  2. This is so true! I love this quote by Robert D Hales: "Gratitude on a daily basis means we express appreciation for what we have now without qualification for what we had in the past or desire in the future."

  3. This is a great message, thanks for sharing.
